EERA CARE: Nurturing the Beauty of Your Sterling Silver Treasures.

At EERA, we not only create sterling silver jewelry that reflects your unique style but also care deeply about ensuring your pieces remain as stunning as the day you acquired them. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond design – it encompasses the longevity and radiance of each EERA creation. To help you cherish your treasures for years to come, we present “EERA CARE” – a guide to nurturing the beauty of your sterling silver jewelry.

1. Storage Matters:

Keep your EERA pieces in a dry and air-tight container. To prevent tarnishing, consider using anti-tarnish strips or pouches. Separate each piece to avoid scratches and tangling.

2. Cleaning Rituals:

Gentle Polishing: Use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently polish your silver jewelry. Avoid using tissues or paper towels, as they can cause scratches. Warm Water Soak: For light tarnishing, immerse your jewelry in a bowl of warm water mixed with a mild dish soap. Gently scrub with a soft brush, then rinse and pat dry. Baking Soda Paste: For tougher tarnish, create a paste with baking soda and water. Apply the paste with a soft cloth, rub gently, and rinse thoroughly.

3. Mindful Weary

Avoid Chemicals: Remove your EERA jewelry before swimming, using household cleaners, or applying cosmetics. Harsh chemicals can damage the silver and gemstones. Prioritize Lasting Beauty: When dressing, make EERA jewelry the finishing touch to avoid contact with perfumes, lotions, and hairsprays.

4. Special Care for Gemstones:

Delicate Attention: Gemstone-studded pieces should be cleaned with a damp cloth or a soft brush to avoid dislodging the stones. Store Separately: To prevent scratches, store gemstone pieces separately from other jewelry.

5. Professional Care:

Annual Checkup: Just like your health, your jewelry needs a checkup too. Regularly visit a professional jeweler to ensure clasps, prongs, and settings are secure.

6. Teen Jewelry Care:

Handling with Care: While teen jewelry is designed for fun and flair, teach your young wearer to handle their EERA pieces gently and with respect. Age-Appropriate Wear: For teens, educate them about the right occasions to wear their jewelry to avoid unnecessary wear and tear. At EERA, we believe that proper care enhances the life of your silver jewelry, preserving its allure and significance. EERA CARE is our way of guiding you in safeguarding your treasured possessions, ensuring they continue to grace your moments and make lasting memories. Discover the joy of long-lasting beauty – with EERA CARE, your sterling silver jewelry will shine as brilliantly as your unique style. Elevate Your Beauty,